CAPS Examples of Expressions Used in Conversational English

ASKING PERMISSION/REQUESTS Can I …? May I …? Would it be possible for me …? Is it all right if ...? Would it be ok if …? Do you mind if I …? Please let/permit/allow me to … Would you agree to …?   OFFERING HELP May I help you? Can I help you? Are... Continue Reading →

CAPS Specific Aims of Learning Additional Languages

Learning a First Additional Language should enable learners to: acquire the language skills necessary to communicate accurately and appropriately taking into account audience, purpose and context; use their Additional Language for academic learning across the curriculum; listen, speak, read/view and write/present the language with confidence and enjoyment. These skills and attitudes form the basis for... Continue Reading →

CAPS Rationale for Teaching the Language Skills

Listening and speaking are central to learning in all subjects. Through effective listening and speaking strategies, learners collect and synthesise information, construct knowledge, solve problems, and express ideas and opinions. Critical listening skills enable learners to recognise values and attitudes embedded in texts and to challenge biased and manipulative language. All these oral communication skills... Continue Reading →

General Aims of the South African Curriculum

General Aim of the CAPS Curriculum a) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 gives expression to the knowledge, skills and values worth learning in South African schools. This curriculum aims to ensure that children acquire and apply knowledge and skills in ways that are meaningful to their own lives. In this regard, the curriculum promotes... Continue Reading →

CAPS Approaches to Teaching Literature

The main reason for reading literature in the classroom is to develop in learners a sensitivity to a special use of language that is more refined, literary, figurative, symbolic, and deeply meaningful than much of what else they may read. While most literary texts are forms of entertainment, amusement, or revelation, serious writers create novels,... Continue Reading →

CAPS Language Teaching Approaches

The approaches to teaching language in these [CAPS] documents are text-based, communicative, integrated and process orientated. The text-based approach and the communicative approach are both dependent on the continuous use and production of texts. A text-based approach teaches learners to become competent, confident and critical readers, writers, viewers, and designers of texts. It involves listening... Continue Reading →

Comparing English FAL and HL CAPS Documents (FET Phase)

Please note: The majority of the text here is directly extracted from the CAPS, English First Additional Language, FET Phase Grades 10-12 document. So are all the images included. SECTION 2: INTRODUCING THE LANGUAGES 2.3 Overview of the language curriculum (pg 10 in both) In this section, the First Additional Language (FAL) document elaborates more... Continue Reading →

Main Points from English FAL, FET Phase CAPS Document

Please note: The majority of the text here is directly extracted from the CAPS, English First Additional Language, FET Phase Grades 10-12 document. So are all the images included. SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (PG 3) 1.4 Time allocation (pg 6) SECTION 2: INTRODUCING THE LANGUAGES (PG 8) 2.1 Language... Continue Reading →

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